Discover the easy and fun way to make delicious homemade ice cream in mason jars! Perfect for summer treats, this simple recipe for a delightful DIY dessert experience.
For the strawberry puree: Set up a grill for even medium heat. If using a charcoal grill, build the coals evenly along the bottom or cook on the stove top.
Place a small saucepot on the grill or on the stove top.
Add the strawberries, honey and lemon juice and bring to a simmer. Cook until the strawberries release their juices and begin to soften, 3 to 5 minutes.
Puree in a blender until smooth and chill until completely cool, about an hour.
For the ice cream: To a 32-ounce freezer-safe mason jar with straight or tapered sides, add the cream, honey, sugar and salt.
Pour in the chilled strawberry puree.
Top with the lid and vigorously shake into a loose, drippy whipped cream, 3 to 5 minutes. (This will take less time if you use a mason jar that was in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes beforehand.)
Make sure the lid is only loosely on, then freeze for 3 hours for soft serve, longer for scoopable ice cream.